Adale, a coastal town in Somalia's Middle Shabelle region, is about 180 kilometres north of Mogadishu. The town’s residents, who once lived under the shadow of conflict, are determined to rebuild a safer, stronger community.

In states of insecurity, the relationship between communities and local authorities can break down. Taking steps to repair a dynamic of mistrust, the Ministry of Internal Security of Hirshabelle State and the Adale District Authority collaborated with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to launch a Community Policing training initiative.

This effort was designed to strengthen the operational capacity for Community Policing and improve the fractured relationship between law enforcement and Adale’s residents, while fostering a partnership grounded in mutual respect and cooperation.

"The collaboration between us and the police has truly transformed," shared Yasin Hassan Ali, a voice from the community, reflecting on the training's impact. "Conflicts between the clans have decreased because we now proactively share information with the police to prevent such incidents."

Ahmed Omar Ali, police officer Photo: Ismail Salad Osman

"Training sessions covered topics like police mandates, democratic policing principles, conflict resolution and building trust between security forces and society. Police officer Ahmed Omar Ali emphasized the importance of this partnership, stating "without information from the community, I cannot do my job effectively".

Adale's community policing initiative is above all a story of positive change, led by a community in response to the challenges it faces. This is an example of the power of collaboration in overcoming mistrust and building a safer future.

"The information we receive from the community has significantly increased since the training,” Officer Ahmad Omar Ali continued. This is a testament to the power of unity and the enduring spirit of Adale.

"It seems to me that a new era of love and effective collaboration has begun between the community and the police following the completion of the training,” added Yassar Hassan Ali.

The training brought together 37 community members and 13 police officers. This sentiment of collective responsibility and mutual trust echoed through the testimonials of those involved.

"In the past, if an individual was arrested by the police, we used to run away [from the scene] instead of approaching them and asking what happened. Now, we understand that we are all working together, to improve our safety, and are all committed to our community's efforts," recounted Sa’dia Abdow Ali, a community member.

The training culminated in the formation of a 13-member committee tasked to promote continued dialogue and cooperation. This committee serves as a guardian of peace, working towards a future where everyone feels safe and secure.

The Community Policing training in Adale was supported by Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

Story by Ismail Salad Osman – Senior Media and Communications Assistant, IOM Somalia.

SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals